Friday, February 3, 2012

Tired of repeat DUI'ers,Texters, and Politicians

So far this week we have had six repeat DUI'ers arrested again. For what....DUI!

How many people, young and old, do these people have to kill before we as citizens and our politicians say enough is enough.

I can see where the first offense, as long as nobody is hurt or killed, can be punished with a huge fine and community service. The first offense is a mistake in judgement.

All other DUI offenses are not mistakes. The state needs to confiscate the defendants automobile and sell it. The same way they do for drug offenses. The money raised from this sale should go to treatment facilities, alcohol education programs, and training for police officers.

There also needs to be a graduated jail time scale. The first offense could be community service, the second raises to days in jail with work details, etc.
If someone dies in an alcohol related crash, the defendant needs to be charged and tried as a felon. Jail time period, no reduced sentences, no bargains.

Enough of our judges reducing sentences and these repeaters are out driving drunk and are arrested for DUI for the 18th time.

When will our politicians look at the materials presented to them on texting and driving?  Why do they have to set up another committee to study this??
Outlaw ALL cellphone use in moving vehicles!!!
If teens get caught using a cellphone in a car they should lose their license until they are 18! To many kids are dying or killing others.

We had a distinguished student die the other night. She was texting her friend just before she ran into the backend of a semitruck. She was joking with her friend about texting was not a good idea while driving.

I know NO POLITICIANS will read this, or even if they do, nothing will happen.
I just hope no more people in our communities will die because of DUI'ers, TEXTers, and politicians who only want to argue with each other.

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