Sunday, January 15, 2012

Idaho Weather and Boise Run/Walk

It is January 15th and we have had 1/8th of an inch of snow. Real cold in the mornings, bright sunshine, and thirty something degrees.
The local ski area (Bogus Basin) has yet to open, the boarders have put wheels back on their boards, and the runners are still enjoying the trails in the foothills.

New weather forecast for the week: Snow in the higher elevations-Rain in the valley-We shall see???

The local running group, Boise Run/Walk, started the 14 week winter training program a week ago. We had 250 people show up for the new season. We split into the marathon, the Robie Creek half marathon, the Robie Creek half marathon finishers, and the Great Potato marathon,half marathon, and 10K groups.
What a super organization to belong to. All ages, shapes, sizes, and abilities all getting together to improve our health.
Oh yea- We have a great time also.

I personally have some high goals this early season-the Robie Creek half marathon in April(8 miles uphill-5 miles down hill to the finish), the Great Potato half marathon in May, and the Mayor's half marathon in Anchorage, Alaska in June .

Be looking for "new" pictures to come in the picture galleries on http://www.mccainadventures/ soon. Check out the website and the prices. Also "Alaskan Adventure: Stories of Our Bush Teaching Experience" is also a Kindle ebook and is very reasonable: $2.99 for 300+ pages.