Friday, April 29, 2011

Walking through a paperback to a Kindle transformation.....Ahhhhh!

I have decided to try and change my four children's books into ebooks for Kindle(Ipad,Ipod,etc).
I have tried all day to change one of them over by following the provided directions but everytime I look at it on the Kindle Previewer I have a few words on the right side that don't make it onto the screen.
Have changed margins, have used font size 8, have used the font #1 on the previewer.
I know I am not that technology oriented but I developed a website, linked things together.....I don't want to pay when I know it can't be that difficult.
What does Johnnie Depp say in the Pirates of the Caribbean...Arhhhhhh!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Spring in Idaho...

I love it...wait five minutes and the weather will change. Trees all in bloom, sun is out, nice to go running outside....Whoops
Black cloud, hard rain, lightning, hail, and its supposed to snow in the valley tonight.
I guess I can be thankful we don't have very many tornados in Idaho.

I want to send out a warm bear hug to all those people in tornado alley back east. You folks have had a rough winter and spring. Parts of Alabama looked worse than Japan on the nightly news.

My sympathies go out to all the families that lost loved ones and property.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Picture Galleries have changed

When you visit my website,, the two pictures galleries are brand new.
I have tried to give you looks from different places around Alaska. Enjoy the pictures and while you are at it take a look at the Alaska Adventure book and the four children's books.
Your kids will love being read to and if they are ages 6-9 they can practice their reading skills by reading mom and dad bedtime stories.
So check it out!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Picture Galleries are a changing..

If you have checked out my website before, you will need to check it out again in the next couple of days. I am changing the two picture galleries for you to peek into small parts of Alaska and for your enjoyment.

Check out for books and pictures. Remember Alaska Adventure: Stories of our Bush Teaching Experience is also now a Kindle eBook available from Amazon for $2.99.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Wishes

May the coming of Easter bring a renewal in all that you believe in.

I spent a beautiful morning running along our wonderful greenbelt.
It travels along the Boise river that runs through our great community.

The air was crisp, the sky was a magnificent blue with a slight breeze, and the sound of the river flowing at a quick pace due to the snowmelt kept my pulse at a quiet pace. I was deeply in tune with my surroundings today.

It is great to be alive.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Third Article Published...

Today I had my third article approved and published on both Articlesbase and Ezine.
The latest article, The Beauty and Risk of an Excursion into Mother Nature's Frontier, is about two educators that want to postpone classroom preparation to visit Alaska's great frontier for the day.
It is to bad that all types of plans can go astray.
This is another one of the stories that may be in Alaska Adventure: Stories of our Bush Teaching Experience. Check it out at  This book is also available as a Kindle eBook.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Great Company to Work With

I received an order of Alaska Adventure: Stories of our Bush Teaching Experience books from Create Space. This is a wonderful company to work with.
I sent them a picture of a production problem I thought they had made and then talked to them instantly on the telephone.
Since they have always been honest and straight forward with me I just wanted to let them know of the problem.
They are replacing the part of the order that was affected. I did not ask for this but they said sending out problem material is not what they are about.
Again GREAT Company to work with!
Order your new copy from http://www.mccainadventures/ .com

Friday, April 15, 2011

Ezine Articles publishes two articles for McCain Adventures

I have been notified by Ezine Articles that they have found two of my written articles, Losing to a Grizzly Bear, and My Retirement Trip to Alaska worth publishing.
They have even given me the label of being an Expert Author.

This makes all of my hard work as an author, and designing my website,, feel worthwhile.
When you listen to what the experts tell you about following proper style, proper procedures, and using proper punctuation, etc it will payoff eventually.

Alaska Adventure: Stories of our Bush Teaching Experience is a GREAT Kindle eBook!

Would you like to read a book that places you right in the happenings of the stories but don't want to pay for a paperback book--Then purchase the Kindle eBook version of Alaska Adventure: Stories of our Bush Teaching Experience for $2.99 from
You can read this book on devices like Kindle reader, Kindle 3G, Kindle DX, Ipad, Ipod touch, Iphone,Mac,Blackberry,Android based products, and window Phone 7.
Happy reading

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Super day for McCain Adventures....Book published as a Kindle book

Today has been a great day. My book Alaska Adventures: Stories of our Bush Teaching Experience is now a Kindle book.
It still has a review process (2-3 days) to go through but then it will be available to the world.

It has been an exciting process to get this far and I am so excited right now I think I want to tell everyone!

Go to my website or to to check it out.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

McCain Adventures: Losing to a Bear....

McCain Adventures: Losing to a Bear....: "......we did not find any caribou, so we turned the boat around and headed back down the river to retrieve the moose we had killed..."

McCain Adventures: The StoryBook Bear Series...My Other Life

McCain Adventures: The StoryBook Bear Series...My Other Life: "As an author I highly recommend Alaska Adventure: Stories of our Bush Teaching Experience but I also recommend the following series of three..."

The StoryBook Bear Series...My Other Life

As an author I highly recommend Alaska Adventure: Stories of our Bush Teaching Experience but I also recommend the following series of three short childrens books: The StoryBook Bear: The Awakening, The Storybook Bear: My keeper of Dreams, and the newest one of the three My Little Bear.
These three childrens books were inspired after watching a young child conversing and interacting with a teddybear.
The stories start with a young child who then progresses into a young college age student and then eventually becomes a young mother of her own child who asks "When can I have a bear of my own?"
Also available is a short Christmas story called A Christmas Tale: The Precious Gift. A heart warming short story that tests the old saying "Do You Believe? list all five of these books and where they are available.